Benicia Amateur Radio Club

Cancelled -Show and Tell April BARC Meeting

Benicia Downtown Fire Station 150 Military West, Benicia, CA, United States

April’s meeting will be cancelled due to the COVID-19/Corona virus. All meetings and in-person events are postponed until further notice. We’ll listen for you on the air!

May 12th BARC Zoom Meeting at 7:00 pm: Justin Cowgill, KM6ZTH, Presents, “Audio connections, and routing. Ways to interface your radios.”

“Audio connections, and routing. Ways to interface your radios.” is Justin Cowgill, KM6ZTH's May 12th BARC Zoom Meeting presentation. Always interesting and informative, Justin will explain clearly, demonstrate and answer questions. We are looking forward to this exciting Zoom opportunity! Justin's Bio: Always curious as to how things work. Justin can be found inspecting, tweaking, […]

June BARC meeting:Solano CART with Vicki Dawson and Bob Hawkins


Solano Community Animal Response Team: A Year Later This is an exciting Zoom event! Please contact Bob Fentress or look in our or contact us at the email or phone listed below to find out how to connect to this exciting presentation! Solano CART is excited to return to BARC ‪on June 9, 2020‬, almost […]

August 11th BARC ZOOM Meeting Presents Gordon West!


We are pleased to announce Gordon West will be coming to our Monthly BARC Meeting on August 11th via Zoom! The meeting will begin earlier than usual at 6:00 pm. To get details how to join this meeting contact Bob Fentress, W6RBF. More details to follow!

BARC Sept 8th Zoom Monthly Meeting: Informal Get-Together!


Due to COVID-19 all of our 2nd Tuesday of the Month Club Meetings will be meeting on Zoom. For September we will have an informal get together. Catch up with your friends and other hams! If you aren’t a member of our call (707)742-3227 and leave a message to get an invite! If you […]

October 13th BARC Meeting presents Kevin Stow


On the 13th of October we will have our monthly BARC Meeting. It will be on Zoom. We are happy to announce that Kevin Stow, N6VLF, will be returning to give a presentation on Antenna Analyzers! Watch our for the Zoom meeting invite. If you aren’t a member of the BARC or don’t […]

At the November 10, BARC Zoom Meeting: “How to Learn and Have Fun with CW”, given by Howard Bernstein, WB2UZE, and Jim Crites, W6JIM, of the Long Island CW Club


Benicia Amateur Radio Club (BARC) is inviting you to our November Zoom meeting for an exciting presentation, “How to Learn and Have Fun with CW”, given by Howard Bernstein, WB2UZE, and Jim Crites, W6JIM, of the Long Island CW Club. “The Long Island CW Club teaches 50 CW classes weekly on Zoom. Come listen how we do […]

12/08/2020: BARC’s Monthly Meeting: Mike Dahlhofer K8MRD,“Parks On The Air”.


On Tuesday, December 8, 2020 is our BARC Zoom monthly meeting! Mike Dahlhofer K8MRD, will give the presentation, “Parks On The Air”. He is a prolific YouTuber with an interesting and informative, lively and entertaining style! When: Tuesday, 8 December, 2020 7:00pm to 9:00pm PST Where: Zoom teleconferencing. To get the Zoom invite contact us […]

January 12, 2021, Monthly BARC Zoom Meeting: Discussion of Winter Field Day


We will explore and discuss Winter Field Day! Due to COVID we're unable to hold a group activity, but people can participate individually. We will also present a revised Constitution and Bylaws for ratification by mail, and accept nominations for club officers for the 2021-2022 term. Where: Zoom teleconferencing. To get the Zoom invite contact […]